看看这两个多伦多妹子,是如何成为sugar baby的...

2016-10-20 边缘徘徊 问吧


有人了解过多伦多的sugar daddy或baby吗?

这问题似乎问得有点尴尬?话说,最近有人做了个小调查,采访了两位多伦多的sugar baby。

大家一起来看看他们是怎么发展与sugar daddy的关系的...

1. 你们是怎么遇到Sugar Daddy的?

SB1: Seekingarangments.com
SB2: A Toronto wine bar.


2. 你们第一次是在哪里和Sugar Daddy约会的?

SB1: We went to the Drake 150!
SB2:  We went to the Thompson Rooftop.

Drake 150

3. 你们一个月能拿到多少报酬?

SB1: Around $750.00 on top of dates.
SB2: I typically got $500 per date, so it largely depended on how many times I saw him.

4. 你们都把这些钱花在哪里了?

SB1: A lot of it went to rent, sometimes I would buy me and my friends a bunch of drinks at the bar, and then of course clothing.
SB2: Mostly clothing!

5. 你们多久和Sugar daddy见一次面?

SB1: Maybe 3 or 4 times a month.
SB2: Roughly once a month.

6. 你们的关系中有什么"条件"吗?

SB1: There really weren’t any, it was very open.
SB2: I had a similar situation, we were allowed to see other people and there were no real “rules”.

7. 你们曾经有过被你们的Sugar daddy吸引了吗?

SB1: No not romantically, but I still care about him as a person.
SB2: Not really.

8. 你们曾经有过和你们的sugar daddy在一起过(hook up)吗?

SB1: I did, but it was never something that was expected of me.  He never even brought it up, and when we did hook up it was totally organic.
SB2: No, I never hooked up with him.

9. 发生过的最糟糕的事情是什么?

SB1: Honestly that he was older, which sounds so stupid.  It was also really hard not being able to fully explain it to my family as well.
SB2: We didn’t really have any common ground or common interests, which definitely made things tough.

10. 你们有把sugar daddy介绍给亲戚朋友吗?

SB1: No, I told my parents that I was seeing a guy that was older, but I never specified his age.  But my friends loved him, mainly because sometimes he was the funding behind girls night, but I was very open about it with my friends.
SB2: I had a similar situation, I just lied to my family about his age.

11. 你们后悔吗?

SB1: No, it was a really positive experience for me, and it was always on my terms.
SB2: No, mainly because I went in with the mentality that I was doing it for myself.  I wasn’t going into it looking for a connection, which I think is important.

想了解更多sugar daddy和baby吗?





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